Minimize On-Time-Jitter and Ripple by Optimizing Compensation
Fixed Frequency Synchronous Buck Converter 2-Phase Evaluation Module
Stacking TPS546D24A Two-Phase Evaluation Module
1.5V to 16V Input, 40A Synchronous Step-Down SWIFT Converter with Full Differential Sense
4.5V to 18V input, 4A/4A/2A/2A synchronous quad converter with PMBus/I2C Interface
TPS65400 Buck Converter Evaluation Module User’s Guide
4.5V to 15V Input, 0.35V to 2.0V Output, 35A PMBus Power Module
Highly Integrated Digital Controller for Isolated Power with 3 Feedback Loops and 8 DPWM Outputs
Highly Integrated Digital Controller for Isolated Power with 64kB Memory